UK also bans cycling
First it was Italy, then Spain and now it is the UK that bans cycling.
First it was Italy, then Spain and now it is the UK that bans cycling.
The government has declared a state of alarm and with it has almost completely limited the movement of citizens
We are facing an unprecedented health emergency and it is necessary to apply common sense in each of the activities we carry out
If you practice cycling, surely you use it or have used it. Strava is without a doubt the most used app. Get the most out of it with these tips.
If you practice cycling, surely you use it or have used it. Strava is without a doubt the most used app. Get the most out of it with these tips.
The Tour organization has announced that both cyclists are expelled from the race and will have to pay a fine of € 911 each.
There are many rumors about his future but there is one that sounds stronger and in which it is stated that Canyon wants Van der Poel to end up in Movistar
With carbon fiber, bicycles have taken a big leap, but there is a new material that will take bicycles to a new level, graphene.
"We own ourselves and nobody can force us to anything."
The young cyclist Matteo Jorgeson suffered a deep cut: "I did not think they could do this (discs rotor) until it has happened to me."
"He has an exceptional character and enjoys cycling, he doesn't take anything seriously. Maybe that's his strong point, he's always relaxed".
After his recent triumphs, Van der Poel has received (again) a shower of offers from big teams, but he has things very clear.
The cyclist has announced in an interview his decision to get off the bike in 2021.
The Sky has won 6 of the last 7 Tour de France, with 3 different British cyclists, Wiggins, Froome and Thomas, why are they leaving?
Daniel Ferdespiel, 2 times World Champion and 3 times European Champion in the XCE modality of MTB, goes to road cycling