Vlad Dascalu becomes a Red Bull cyclist
This year was to be his debut in XCO's elite category but due to current conditions we may still have to wait a little while to see Vlad Dascalu take on Schurter, Avancini and company. What is clear is that the current U-23 World Champion is already a proven mountain bike value and Red Bull has not let him go.

Vlad Dascalu is already a Red Bull cyclist
After winning everything in 2019 with the Brújula Bike Racing Team: World Cup, European Championship, Romanian Championship and World Championship. Vlad Dascalu became the XCO U-23 cyclist who attracted most attention from brands and teams.Now he has just announced that he will become part of the exclusive family of Red Bull, an elite club where only the best athletes from each country are present.

This signing only confirms what we already know, and that is that this Romanian cyclist of only 22 years will be one of the great protagonists of the world mountain bike in the coming years.