Do you need a power meter to become a better cyclist?
The best cyclist is not the one who moves the most watts, but the one who manages to get from "point A" to "point B" first.
The best cyclist is not the one who moves the most watts, but the one who manages to get from "point A" to "point B" first.
Physical exercise can help reduce high blood pressure, a very common condition in adults. Sport, and in particular...
Virtual cycling apps like Zwift have made it much easier to train in winter but they force us to question whether they are the right choice.
We are all aware of the importance of active recovery, but few people go for gentle rides.
A study published in the European Heart Journal revealed that intense exercise has more benefits for the heart than previously thought.
Lactic acid has always been the bad guy that made your legs burn with exertion, but recent studies have shown its real role.
W/kg has become commonplace in cycling when describing a cyclist's performance, but which is more important?
Isometric exercises are a type of exercise that involve muscle tension without the need to move from one place to another.
There are a multitude of factors that can be different between riders sharing the same bike size.
The recovery properties of ice have been known for years. We explain how to use it to get the best results.
Legal in certain countries (such as Spain) and prohibited in others, 'altitude hotels' generate controversy, but are increasingly being used.
O que é CORE?
Emily Batty has just announced a very interesting book that covers topics in a very practical way that any athlete can apply.
OREKA O5, a turbo trainer that allows you to pedal in a similar way as you would on the road while maintaining the safety conditions of indoor training.
What are the differences between the training of a professional and that of an amateur athlete?