Tattoos of cyclists, do you need any ideas?
Are you a true cycling fan? Does mountain biking run through your veins? Do you live to enjoy your favorite sport, the adrenaline it brings, the motivation and excitement you feel when planning your routes?
If the bicycle is an important part of your life and you're thinking about getting a tattoo about cycling, in this article there are a number of questions you should ask yourself before you decide to take the step. Also, you will find a good amount of images to take ideas if you decide to do it.
What to consider when getting a tattoo about cycling
Before you take the step and get a cycling tattoo or a mountain bike tattoo, think about it and consider these circumstances:

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Choose well. If you decide to get a tattoo, don't look at saving a few euros and go to someone who is able to do a reliable quality work.
It hurts. It's not an urban legend, so if your tolerance for pain is low, maybe getting a bicycle tattoo isn't your best option.
Taking it off hurts even more. Again, it is necessary to insist that you reconsider and take all the time in the world and do not rush. Removing a tattoo not only hurts more than getting it, it's also more expensive, so you don't want to have to make that decision.
Pick a good date. Getting a tattoo the week before going on holiday to the beach in the middle of August is absurd: at the beginning you should avoid the sun and water as much as possible.
Be original. Let the images attached to this article serve as inspiration to create a unique mountain bike tattoo. Don't copy them and make yours special.
Trust the professional. Once you've taken your time -and spent a lot of money- to hire a reliable professional, pay attention to all the indications he gives you, especially regarding the care of the tattoo in the first days.
Choose your place well. Maybe at the age of 20 you might like to have a big tattoo in a very visible place, but maybe over the years circumstances change. Besides, there are more and less sensitive areas of our body: it will hurt more or less depending on what we choose.
Bicycle Tattoo Ideas
Are you thinking of getting a bicycle tattoo or a mountain bike tattoo? Have any of the images in this article caught your attention? Tell us what idea you have on our social networks!