Will the Tokyo Olympics be definitively cancelled?
The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games were expected to be a unique event that would set a technological and sporting milestone in history, but no one was counting on the Coronavirus. After its postponement to 2021, there are now many rumors indicating that the Games could be cancelled definitively.
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When the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus began to accelerate in March 2020, many eyes were on the celebration of the Tokyo Olympics, and what at first seemed impossible only took a few weeks to become a reality, Tokyo 2020 would be postponed until 2021 because health safety could not be guaranteed.
Now, with the pandemic still far from being controlled worldwide, many are wondering if it will be possible to hold these Olympics in a year's time. Recently, the executive director of Tokyo 2020, Toshiro Muto, said: "I don't think anyone can say whether it will be possible to control the pandemic by July or not. We are not in a position to clearly answer that question."
To this must be added the rumors that point to the impossibility of a further postponement by the Japanese authorities, and the results of a recent survey by the Kyodo agency, in which the poll shows that only 46% of Tokyo residents want these Olympics to be held, while the remaining percentage prefer that they be cancelled, postponed again or held only partially.
Against the cancellation there are strong reasons such as the big investments made by Japan to host these Olympics or the work of the 11.00 athletes, plus coaches, doctors, etc. that depend on this event. But unfortunately, the health crisis we are experiencing has already made us see that what we thought was unthinkable can happen from one day to the next.
Do you think it's possible that the Tokyo Olympics will be cancelled? We read you on our social networks!