Sagan will undergo heart surgery today after surpassing 200 heartbeats in Chelva: "Peter, give me the files from the cycle computer because something is wrong"
Last weekend in Chelva, Peter Sagan's heart rate monitor recorded maximums of 200 beats per minute, something that had never happened in his entire sports career. The three-time road world champion wasted no time in undergoing all the necessary tests and today he will be operated on in Italy to try to address these arrhythmias.
Peter Sagan will undergo heart surgery today in Italy
For years, Spanish Patxi Vila has been working alongside Peter Sagan in his preparation, and it was he who sounded the alarm last Sunday after the race in Chelva. Vila has historical records of the Slovakian rider and his maximum heart rate had never exceeded 190: “Peter, give me the data from the cycle computer because something is wrong”
These statements collected by Gazzetta were the starting point for Sagan to travel to Italy on Monday and undergo very intense stress tests on Tuesday and Wednesday, during which cardiologist Roberto Corsetti identified the sudden appearance of abnormal ventricular tachycardia when his effort was at its maximum.

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To try to address this heart problem, Sagan will undergo an invasive procedure today, in which he will undergo an ablation in the heart to verify and try to block irregular electrical impulses.
Just a few days ago we were talking about the risk of exceeding our maximum heart rate and we remembered the case of Czech rider Ondrej Cink who had to stop during a race after seeing heart rates above 230 beats per minute. This example also serves to show that despite Cink undergoing unsuccessful surgery, he has been able to continue his career at a high level, so this "injury" should not necessarily stop Peter Sagan's career.
It is worth noting that this year Sagan set out to complete the mountain bike season with Specialized Factory Racing and had as his main goal to compete in the Paris Olympics.