Reasons to move around the city with an eBike

Urban Cycling 29/10/24 13:53 Migue A.

We could spend hours giving reasons why an eBike is the ideal means of transportation for the city. We even admit certain debates. But there are six arguments that are immovable and admit very few interpretations, and that is what we propose today.


6 arguments for using an eBike in the city

An eBike is the fastest means of transportation

Various studies confirm it: if until now only the motorcycle could compete with it, currently the bicycle is the fastest means of transportation. And an eBike, even faster, so it is undoubtedly the mode of transportation within a city that will take you to your destination the fastest. Even more so with the incredible increase in bike lanes and bike-friendly routes.


An eBike allows you to go at 25 kilometers per hour with electric assistance, so at that speed, without having to stop much and being able to take the shortest route (something that does not happen with traffic) it becomes the ideal means of transportation in a city if your life is fast-paced.

An eBike reaches where other means cannot reach

If you use the bus or metro, the stops are what they are. If you use your own vehicle, the parking spaces are what they are and the asphalt goes as far as it goes. In fact, many urban centers are already closed to private or individual traffic.


An eBike, on the other hand, reaches any point in the city, without any buts. You can choose the route and the destination with hardly any restrictions. It combines the best of a two-wheeled vehicle and the best of a pedestrian on foot. An eBike, in short, takes you from door to door, without gaps or dark or impassable areas in a city. And that cannot be said by the rest of the means of transportation.

You can carry luggage on the eBike

A drawback of a non-electric bicycle was transporting certain luggage (work or study materials, shopping, etc.) meant carrying more weight and, therefore, more effort.


With an electric bicycle, this does not happen because you can demand more assistance if you need it. Good panniers provide more than enough space to carry almost anything.

No hills or sweat with an electric bicycle

Another downside that many pointed out to using a bicycle in urban environments were the slopes or the fact that the effort led to breaking a sweat, when sometimes we were going to work to start the day.


The ideal and healthier thing would actually be to sweat. But if you don't have a shower at work, an eBike will make sure you don't have to break a sweat to get to your company. It doesn't matter if the road gets very steep, because by controlling the level of assistance all the time, you will be taking a leisurely ride.

But an eBike also helps you in your healthy life

But, at the same time, an electric bicycle helps you to do daily exercise. You can rely more on assistance to go to work or to the University, and come back home pushing yourself a little harder, because even if you sweat, you can arrive and take a shower.


Therefore, you can plan your physical exercise and remember that doing it every day will make your life much healthier, your mood much more positive, and your body will function like clockwork.

The eBike helps the environment

Finally, an eBike does not emit carbon, nor any type of gases. Obviously, its manufacturing has consumed energy and the use of raw materials, but even the lithium in the batteries is now 90% recyclable. That is why an eBike is completely sustainable.


It uses electric energy, an energy that can also be produced by renewables at home or at work (you can even contract your rate with a renewables company without increasing your bill). Thus, you will be taking care of the environment a little more.

eBike: a bicycle loaded with arguments for the city

In summary, as you have read, there are plenty of reasons to opt for an eBike for your urban and interurban mobility. Many cities have been betting on this means of transportation for decades, and even due to the coronavirus pandemic, many of them, such as Paris or New York, have ended up opting for electric bicycles as the best means of transportation.


Even doctors and emergency services use eBikes to move quickly through the city. If they do it, dealing with vital issues, it must be for a reason, right?



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