The new Prologo saddle made of salmon and rice will be available for purchase in stores and restaurants

Road 01/04/24 06:29 Migue A.

The Italian manufacturer Prologo, a leader in cycling saddle innovation, has just reached a new milestone by introducing a new model made with materials never before used in the industry, salmon and rice. This is the surprising Prologo NAGO R4 Nigiri, a saddle that promises maximum comfort and flavor.

The new Prologo saddle made of salmon and rice will be available for purchase in stores and restaurants

New Prologo NAGO R4 Nigiri: salmon and rice for a saddle as comfortable as it is tasty

The Italian brand claims that this is the world's first cycling saddle made with 100% natural materials like salmon and rice.

The truth is, we have to confess that when we received the information, we were as surprised as you are now, but when we found out that in addition to being available at their main retailers, the new Prologo NAGO R4 Nigiri would also be available at some restaurants, we realized that today is April Fool's Day.

The new Prologo saddle made of salmon and rice will be available for purchase in stores and restaurants

So if you liked this saddle model, it looks like we'll have to wait for it to become a reality.




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El nuevo sillín Prologo, hecho con salmón y arroz, se podrá comprar en tiendas y restaurantes

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O novo selim Prologo feito de salmão e arroz estará disponível para compra em lojas e restaurantes

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Le nouveau selle Prologo fait de saumon et de riz sera disponible à l'achat dans les magasins et les restaurants