Better to be a cyclist with overweight than slim and sedentary person

Training 14/12/18 12:00 Migue A.

It is better to be overweight, but be an active person, than to be thin and be a sedentary person. This surprising conclusion is reached by a study conducted in Sweden. This study examined more than one million men for almost three decades in order to measure the relationship between the risk of cardiovascular problems, overweight and the physical condition. The details, below.

Ciclista con sobrepeso

Better to be a cyclist with overweight than slim and sedentary person

At least regarding the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, this point has been confirmed. Overweight, low aerobic capacity and poor muscle strength were associated, independently, with heart failure.

But - here is the key to the study - people with a weight over the recommended, but who carried out regular sports activity, showed half of options to suffer from such ailments.

Therefore, the conclusion was crystal clear: low aerobic capacity coupled with poor muscle capacity, even in individuals with a normal body mass index, was associated with a double risk of heart failure.

Ciclista con sobrepeso

Overweight is not obesity

Obviously this study does not refer to people who suffer from obesity, but to lighter cases in which the cyclist is above his recommended ideal weight, but without reaching those extremes.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is vital to achieve a good quality of life, regardless of the sport we perform, another essential aspect to achieve the aforementioned objectives.

Ciclista con sobrepeso

And what about you? Are you at your ideal weight? Are you overweight despite doing sports regularly? What do you think is the cause? We are looking forward to read your opinions on our social networks!



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Un estudio confirma que es mejor ser un ciclista con sobrepeso que estar delgado y ser sedentario

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Estudo confirma que é melhor ser um ciclista com excesso de peso do que ser magro e sedentário