Until stock last, the Orbea Rise includes a 252Wh Range Extender as a gift for the premiere of "Vermont Sugar Trails"

Mountain bike 17/01/24 15:44 Migue A.

The Trail Tales series delves into the autumn of Vermont to enjoy magical landscapes where you can spend whole days riding your mountain bike. In addition, this episode comes with a very special gift for everyone who is thinking of getting a Orbea Rise, one of the lightest eMTBs on the market. Until stocks last, the Rise models in carbon will come with a Range Extender as a gift.

Until stock last, the Orbea Rise includes a 252Wh Range Extender as a gift for the premiere of "Vermont Sugar Trails"

Trail Tales presents “Vermont Sugar Trails”

In addition to its landscapes, the Vermont area is famous for the syrup extracted from its forests. And precisely Trail Tales delves into this community, discovering how in the imposing landscapes of Vermont coexist in a respectful way the people dedicated to the manufacture of maple syrup, in addition to riders and other groups of nature lovers such as hikers.

In “Vermont Sugar Trails”, the protagonists have chosen Rise to travel the imposing trails of the area. An ideal option to enjoy long flow routes where the help of the light and non-invasive engine of an emtb perfectly complements the sensations of a mechanical MTB.

As always, the new episode of Trail Tales is now available on their website, along with the rest of the episodes. It is also possible to find all the information about the trail building projects that Orbea supports.

Episode with gift

To celebrate this new story of the Trail Tales project, the rise model protagonist of the episode, Orbea has launched a very special opportunity. Until stocks last, every purchase of a Rise in any of its carbon models will include a 252Wh Range Extender as a gift. This opportunity is available both on the Orbea website and in a selection of stores.



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Hasta agotar existencias, la Orbea Rise incluye un Range Extender de 252Wh de regalo por el estreno de  “Vermont Sugar Trails”

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Jusqu'à épuisement des stocks, l'Orbea Rise comprend un Range Extender de 252Wh offert pour la première de "Vermont Sugar Trails"

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Jusqu'à épuisement des stocks, l'Orbea Rise comprend un Range Extender de 252Wh offert pour la première de "Vermont Sugar Trails"

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Até esgotar o estoque, a Orbea Rise inclui um Range Extender de 252Wh de presente pela estreia de "Vermont Sugar Trails"