Harley Davidson releases its first eBike for sale
In 2020 Harley Davidson announced that it was entering the bike market under a brand called Serial 1, after the first motorbike Harley built in 1903. We saw an early design of the bike back then, and now the company has just announced that it will release a limited run of the S1 MOSH/TRIBUTE model, the final version of that first prototype.
Serial 1 MOSH/TRIBUTE: the first electric bike from Harley-Davidson
As we already knew, Serial 1 Cycle Company is the brand under which Harley will produce its catalogue of electric bikes and on each one will come the slogan "Powered by Harley-Davidson". And S1 MOSH/TRIBUTE will be its first model, a bike that at first glance has managed to pick up well the aesthetic legacy of Harley and adapt it to this new electric vehicle.

This is how Aaron Frank, director of Serial 1 Cycle Company, presented the brand in 2020: “When Harley-Davidson first put power to two wheels in 1903, it changed how the world moved, forever”. “Inspired by the entrepreneurial vision of Harley-Davidson’s founders, we hope to once again change how cyclists and the cycling-curious move around their world with a Serial 1 eBicycle”.

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