Thomas Pidcock will be at the Tokyo Olympics, the UCI confirms the country places for MTB and the UK has one

Mountain bike 21/05/21 16:11 Migue A.

British rider Tom Pidcock's big goal for 2021 was to be in the MTB event at the Tokyo Olympics, but even though he won the under-23 World Cup last year and started this season as one of the best elite riders, none of that was enough for him to get the place by his own means. Finally, the best wishes of Pidcock and his team have been fulfilled. The UCI has confirmed that the UK has a place for Tokyo in mountain biking.

Thomas Pidcock will be at the Tokyo Olympics, the UCI confirms the country places for MTB and the UK has one

Tom Pidcock will compete in the MTB race at the Tokyo Olympics

It seems that the Olympic place has been achieved through a last minute free provision that the United Kingdom has obtained and decided to use in mountain biking, a modality in which this country has not had much male protagonism in recent years, but it would be no surprise if in 2021 they take the gold medal.

Thomas Pidcock will be at the Tokyo Olympics, the UCI confirms the country places for MTB and the UK has one

On May 19th, the UCI officially announced a list of the men's places that each country had available for the Mountain Bike event. Switzerland and Italy will have 3 representatives each, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain will have 2, and the rest of the countries, including the United Kingdom, will have 1.

UCI list of men's mountain bike Olympic places by country

  • Switzerland 3 
  • Italy  3
  • France 2
  • Brazil 2
  • Belgium 2
  • Netherlands 2
  • Spain 2
  • Germany 2
  • Czech Republic 1
  • Austria 1
  • Canada 1
  • Denmark 1
  • USA 1
  • Belgium 1
  • Russia 1
  • South Africa 1
  • New Zealand 1
  • Poland 1
  • Norway 1
  • Greece 1
  • Romania 1
  • Namibia 1
  • Mexico 1
  • China 1
  • Australia 1
  • Israel 1
  • Chile 1
  • UK 1
  • Japan 1

A total of 38 cyclists will take the start on the Tokyo circuit on Monday the 26th of July.



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Thomas Pidcock sí estará en los JJ.OO de Tokio, la UCI confirma las plazas por países para MTB y Reino Unido tiene una