Pros and cons of counting calories if you are looking to lose weight

Nutrition 11/11/24 07:22 Migue A.

Losing weight is not just about counting calories. Or at least not only about counting calories. We know that this statement may sound like a mayonnaise commercial, but it is quite true and we will tell you why.

Forget about calories, the main thing is the origin of the food

There are serving sizes of carbohydrates, macronutrients, values of fats or sugars, and all of that is labeled on each product by law. However, the magic word whenever we talk about losing weight is one and only one: calories.

Yes, because even though it is proven that it is not the most important thing, it is the first thing we look at in what we eat and what discourages us the most if we see a high value. We fear calories, let's admit it, and yet it may not be the most important thing if your goal is to lose weight to improve in cycling.

Pros and cons of counting calories if you are looking to lose weight

Of course, we do not mean that calories are not important, of course they are, but they do not tell the whole truth. Because it is better to have a healthy food that provides many more nutrients even if it has more calories; than another with fewer calories but completely adulterated or that contributes very little to your performance. A calorie from refined flours or sugar is not the same as a calorie from a vegetable.

That is why more and more nutritionists are abandoning calorie counting when establishing diets or meal plans for weight loss. The formula of burning more calories than you ingest is not entirely true and is even dangerous.

All foods have a certain amount of calories, yes, but how your body metabolizes one or the other depending on its origin is also crucial. Because many calories disappear during some phase of digestion, so they do not end up turning into fat. But for this to happen, a healthy origin of that calorie is essential. Establish a rule: fresher and less processed, synonymous with healthier and slimming. Although you can always do the calorie calculation, it doesn't hurt either.

Between calories and macronutrients, choose to measure both

An alternative to calories are macronutrients. You can take both into account, but base your weekly menu on macronutrients. Macronutrients are elements that provide energy but also good functioning, understanding good functioning as helping in other phases of metabolism, such as digestion or the construction of organic structures. Mainly, this includes the most important proteins and some fats.

Pros and cons of counting calories if you are looking to lose weight

There are many methods to analyze macronutrients, but basically stick to the plate formula. This means that in a plate, half should be carbohydrates, a quarter proteins, and a quarter fats. For example: in a plate, half is boiled potatoes, a quarter is a beef steak, and the other quarter is the fat from the steak itself with the oil you cooked it in. If you add a vegetable to that combination, you will have a super balanced meal.

Of course, it allows slight variations if you want food for a very long ride (better increase slow-release carbohydrates), or if you want to increase muscle mass (better increase the protein part). But always maintaining a certain balance.


In summary, counting calories can help you lose weight. But in the long run, it is more useful and healthy to establish patterns of macronutrient intake. But, above all, never forget: the most important thing is always the origin of those elements, whether they are macronutrients or calories. Fresh products, from the garden, vegetables and fruits, and plant protein are undoubtedly your great allies. Although the math is not as exact as with calories, that is its downside. Its only downside.



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Pros y contras de contar calorías si buscas perder peso

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Prós e contras de contar calorias se você deseja perder peso

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Avantages et inconvénients de compter les calories si vous cherchez à perdre du poids