One of the benefits that social networks have is that we can get very close to the day to day of the professionals we admire and we can know how they train and prepare.
In addition, Carlos Coloma along with his team, BH Templos Cafés, is taking care of making known all the ins and outs of a Top Mountain bike team and what it is like to be a professional MTB cyclist.
This is a masterclass in technique from a mountain bike professional
In this "improvised" video, Carlos Coloma shows us how he teaches Rocío Gacía to cut time in technical areas.
Please note that in the video you can watch two professionals of mountain biking, so if you are one of those who still do not control much about the bike, forget about releasing the brakes as recommended by Carlos Coloma.
In those technical and bumpy sections it is better to reduce the speed before reaching them to avoid accidents. Even it is ok getting off the bike in certain areas, even if you are riding in the World Cup, the most important thing is safety.