Habits you can change to lose weight without dieting
Losing weight is much more than carrying out a Spartan regime. Obviously it is important to take care of food, based on junk food it will be difficult to lose weight, but there are a number of habits that can help you do it without dieting. Take a look to this article!
Habits to lose weight without dieting
Drink water
Forget about sugary drinks, juices and of course alcoholic drinks. Drink plenty of water, at all hours and especially before meals: it will speed up your metabolism - burning more calories - and the feeling of fullness will come earlier than usual.
Rest well

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Lack of sleep can lead to various health problems, including gaining a lot of weight. If you want to lose weight without dieting it is essential that you get to sleep a minimum of hours a day and that your rest is deep and effective.
This is because insomnia can cause a hormonal disorder that in turn affects feelings of hunger and satiety.
Eat more vegetables
Fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, vegetable oils, nuts ... these products should be the basis of our diet, leaving in a very secondary role those that come from animal sources. Certain amounts of meat - and especially fish - are recommended to complete the diet, but to a much lesser extent than usual.
Control the quantities
As we have said on other occasions, the caloric deficit is the key to losing weight. Also, of course, to lose weight without dieting at unbearable levels. You can eat everything, but it is important that you control the quantities. A very interesting way to do this is to serve lunch or dinner on the plate (the tub, fountain or package on the table).
Leave the car parked
Beyond your usual exercise routines, move as much as you can. Cycle to work, do not take the car unless it is essential and go home up the stairs better than the elevator. You will notice this.
These are our 5 tips to lose weight without dieting. Can you think of any more? Please tell us on our social networks!