Backflip on a moving train, a video you can't miss

Road 13/09/24 07:00 Migue A.

The Polish biker Dawid Godziek has just starred in a video more reminiscent of an action movie than a freeride spot. Riding on a moving train is surely the dream of many, but what he does is something that few can even imagine.

Jumping off a moving train was not enough for Dawid Godziek

This crazy circuit was built on 10 train cars moving at 23 km/h, but its protagonist became more ambitious about this project as he "felt safer."

"At first, I practiced the circuit with the train stopped. Once I felt confident, we put the train in motion and gradually increased the speed. 23 km/h was the right speed to match the speed at which I was riding and feel like I could do it. The sensation of having a frozen background is very strange. Riding on this circuit smoothly was much more challenging than it seemed," said Godziek.




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Backflip sobre un tren en marcha, un vídeo que no te puedes perder

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Backflip sobre um trem em movimento, um vídeo que você não pode perder

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Saut périlleux arrière sur un train en mouvement, une vidéo à ne pas manquer