What to do if your electric bike starts to burn

eBike 19/11/23 10:54 Migue A.

The growth of the electric bike park has brought new needs but also problems. The most serious of them is the increase in the number of fires that, due to the nature of the reaction that occurs when the lithium in the batteries combusts, are tremendously intense and violent as well as difficult to extinguish.

What to do if your electric bike starts to burn

Fires become the great danger of electric bikes

There is no doubt that electric bicycles are already a total reality having shot up their sales in recent times and becoming totally common on the streets of our cities, on the roads and, little by little, also on the road. However, a concern is growing around them and it is the fire hazard that their large batteries can pose and that even has led cities like New York to consider their prohibition due to the large number of fires related to them that have been occurring.

In any case, it must be made clear that electric bikes, as they are sold as standard, from recognized manufacturers, are completely safe machines that comply with all approvals and safety measures established by the authorities. The problem arises when dubious origin batteries and motors are used, the battery is modified to achieve greater autonomy or the system is altered to avoid the assistance cut at 25 km/h.

What to do if your electric bike starts to burn

These are actions that are common among those who make intensive use of ebikes and who squeeze the system above the tolerances specified by the manufacturers, causing overheating that can result in fires. Also, charging the batteries using non-approved chargers, looking for a faster process, or having the bike connected to the electrical network for longer than necessary is associated with these fires.

The problem with fires in electric bicycles is that the lithium in the batteries, when in contact with the oxygen in the air, produces a very violent combustion that is impossible to extinguish with conventional means. A combustion that can also be produced by the overheating caused by an overload in it.

What to do if your electric bike starts to burn

To combat this type of fire, the best thing, without a doubt, is to prevent them from occurring by avoiding making modifications to the bike on the specifications set by the manufacturer. When charging the bike, it is necessary to take into account several aspects to minimize risks, starting by keeping the bike monitored during charging. The habit of doing it at home, during the night, leaving it unattended can be extremely dangerous as these fires can spread with tremendous speed.

We will ensure that the charging place is clear leaving the battery and the bike out of reach of flammable objects. Be very careful if we charge it in our bike room where the lubricating oils and other fluids that we use in its maintenance are highly flammable. If we can choose, the ideal would be to remove the battery from the bike if possible and charge it with it inside a metal box that, in case of fire, will prevent the fire from having enough oxygen to spread.

What to do if your electric bike starts to burn

If we cannot do it, we will prefer a small room where there is little air that can feed a fire or in the worst case, simply keep the bike away from anything flammable. Of course, we will stick to the charging times and, although approved chargers cut off the charge when it is completed, it is preferable to be aware and disconnect the electricity once it is finished. It is also advisable when charging the bike to avoid doing it after having made prolonged use of it as both the motor and the battery will be hot. Of course, we will try not to leave the bike or the battery exposed to the sun or in places where it can overheat.

In case a fire occurs, we must bear in mind that they are very virulent fires and extremely difficult to extinguish. The only reliable way to do it is using a Class D extinguisher or other specific models that are beginning to appear that, unfortunately, are very rare. The common powder or CO2 ones are useless in this type of fire. What we should never do, under any circumstances, is try to put it out with water as all we will do is increase the chemical reaction achieving the effect of fanning it.

What to do if your electric bike starts to burn

We will cut off the electricity if possible and evacuate the area while notifying the emergency services. Also, if possible, we will move any combustible element away from the fire, always without taking risks.

In any case, remember that almost all fires are caused by making modifications to the bike so, if we keep the standard specifications, it will be practically impossible for a fire to occur, that's what they have been approved for.



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