Improve your VO2 max to live longer and better
The VO2 max is one of the most commonly used indicators to determine cardiovascular capacity. Data varies greatly between high-level athletes and regular exercisers. However, it is an interesting piece of information because it reveals the combined work of several systems and is related to the incidence of various diseases.
The VO2 max, a shield against disease
Cycling has the ability to provide a rich and varied range of health benefits. The VO2 max is one of the indicators that is strengthened with the practice of sports, especially aerobic sports. For this reason, professional cyclists are one of the population groups with the highest levels of VO2 max. Science has shown that there is a correlation between VO2 max and the onset of certain diseases.

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The VO2 max - also known as 'maximum aerobic power' - is the "capacity of the body to capture, transport, and use oxygen by the muscles involved in an effort," as defined by the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC), which explains that the time limit a person can endure at this intensity usually ranges between 3 and 6 minutes.
The unit of measurement is liters of oxygen per minute (L/min) - in absolute terms - and milliliters of oxygen per minute per kilogram (ml/min/kg) - in terms relative to body mass.
As an indicator of the cardiovascular system, the higher the VO2 max, the greater the cardiovascular capacity. It is a widely used metric in elite sports. Professional cyclists are around 70-80 ml/min/kg, although these levels are often exceeded; a healthy person who exercises regularly may be in the range of 28-40 ml/min/kg.
It is important to note that the VO2 max varies depending on factors such as age or sex, among others, so it is necessary to consult with a professional to determine the appropriate VO2 max for each case.
The key to the VO2 max is that it is an integrative indicator, as it shows the state of the lungs' ability to capture oxygen, the muscles' ability to consume it, and the pumping capacity of oxygenated blood, as explained by the Exercise Physiology professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the European University of Madrid, Dr. Alejandro Lucía.
Scientific evidence shows a clear association between VO2 max and health, to the point that it could be more useful than hypertension as a predictor in some cases.
Research on this relationship has been ongoing since the beginning of the century with results that place it as a risk marker for some types of cancer, myocardial infarction, or dementia, among others, as well as mortality.
However, the VO2 max is largely influenced by genetics. Hence, to be a professional cyclist, it is advisable to start with a good base. However, the VO2 max can be trained when values are low; that is, it is "reasonable to reach 28 ml/min/kg," according to Dr. Lucía.
To increase the VO2 max, it is important to rely on aerobic exercise - such as cycling, for example, although it may also be interesting to combine it with strength exercises. Interval training can also be an effective option.
Nevertheless, the appropriate exercise to improve the VO2 max will depend on each individual's condition, as a person with lower VO2 max values may find more benefits in training at an easy to moderate pace.