From fury to silence: the metalcore band Architects' guitarist finds his true harmony on a gravel bike

Gravel 10/12/24 16:16 Migue A.

A new chapter of Pachamama arrives, the series in which Orbea goes beyond competitive cycling and seeks to expand horizons through gravel and inspiring stories. This time the protagonist is Adam Christianson, guitarist of Architects.

From fury to silence: the metalcore band Architects' guitarist finds his true harmony on a gravel bike

Chords of freedom in the new episode of Pachamama

Finding balance in the hectic lifestyle of a rock band guitarist, immersed in tours, rehearsals, etc. requires a counterpoint of calm, silence, and solitude that Adam Christianson, the guitarist of the British Metalcore group Architects achieves by pedaling on a gravel bike. A search for harmony that Adam Christianson narrates in a new Pachamama story.



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De la furia al silencio: el guitarrista de la banda metalcore Architects encuentra su verdadera armonía sobre una bici de gravel

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Da fúria ao silêncio: o guitarrista da banda metalcore Architects encontra sua verdadeira harmonia em uma bicicleta de gravel

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De la fureur au silence : le guitariste du groupe metalcore Architects trouve sa véritable harmonie sur un vélo de gravel