Some workouts for cyclists who don't like series
Carrying out planned and structured training is the best way to improve our level as a cyclist. However, this type of training requires a lot of discipline and, let's not fool ourselves, many sessions in which we really do not enjoy the fact of riding a bike but only focus on the work to be done. For those who do not want to give up on this but at the same time are looking for efficient training, here are a few ideas.
Train efficiently without losing the essence of riding bicycles
Let's be realistic, going to a specific piece of road and starting to do series, back and forth in the same place, controlling the watts, the recovery time, etc. is not the most fun in the world, not even for training geeks who like to have every data measured and controlled.
Those who like cycling as such usually like to pedal, make cool routes, if possible in company much better, something that is also usually at odds with structured training, the famous series. In short, following a conventional training plan means having to give up a good number of bike routes in order to enjoy in the best possible way when it's time to do so.

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This means that many, after trying to follow a structured training, end up giving up this methodology to return to a more artisanal way of working, let's say, the methodology of a lifetime of going out to ride, the more the better and if it can be going as fast as possible then even better. A training system that, despite being widely surpassed, can be valid to achieve a certain level if we follow certain guidelines that give meaning to each outing that allow us to work to the maximum what we are looking for that day. These are some workouts that can help us replace the dreaded series.
It is the daily bread of many groups, especially when spring arrives and the time change allows to go out during the week on routes that will be around two hours, probably extending as summer approaches.
These outings usually turn into a constant competition with moments of very high intensity and recovery moments that last until someone crosses the cable again and it gets messed up again, practically, a race simulation with some concessions like regrouping in certain places, for example after a climb.
If we have the route and what we want to train well controlled, we can establish a strategy to follow that allows us to work to the maximum the quality sought. We can choose to lead the group at a sweet spot pace, although we will probably find it hard to cut ourselves off when someone decides to make an attack. On the contrary, we can be the ones who try to launch violent attacks, or save our efforts to be the winner in the climbs that the route includes, try to win those sprints that all groups have marked in certain places, the options are infinite and, going in company we are going to be forced to strive much more than we would do alone.
Good rhythm
Another good method for those longer days is as simple as getting to the head of the group and being the ones who dedicate ourselves to setting the pace all day, at the corresponding watts.
Surely, we are going to get tired of hearing complaints, especially, if we are controlling the watts, when we loosen up on the climbs so that these do not skyrocket and we tighten up on the flat so that they do not fall. A very efficient tempo work and that going in company is much more enjoyable, especially if we have a partner of similar level who rides all those kilometers parallel to us. Obviously, we can segment the effort to make it more tolerable, for example, pulling for 10 or 20 kilometers, resting 10 or 20 minutes on the wheel of the group and repeating. We can adapt the plan we are looking for ourselves.
Another more wild option if we have partners who sign up is to ride at full speed with short relays, let's say 1 kilometer. We will go full throttle every time it's our turn to pull and then we can't relax much either since first we will have to recover the wheel after leaving the relay and then the pace will continue to be high, that is, a kind of team time trial. Maximum intensity and a fantastic way to educate the body to ride at high speeds.
Outings with lower level partners
Often in groups there are subgroups that come together depending on their level. The problem with going out with those of our level is that the routes end up becoming a war. The day we have to work the neglected zone 2 and want to stick to it we can choose to go out with a lower level group that, without a doubt, will appreciate the work of avoiding the wind while we can't overdo it at risk of losing our companions.
Go for the KOM
If we don't have company that can stretch our necks, Strava comes to the rescue to help us do some good intensity workouts. There is nothing more than controlling the segments of our area that are affordable and trying to get the respective KOM. Some will be affordable but in others it will cost us life to cut just one second of how expensive they are. In any case, we will not be striving to the maximum in it without realizing it.
By combining different lengths of segments and typology, climbs, flats, etc. we will be covering practically all the facets we are looking for in training.
And you, how do you prefer to train, structured with series or at your own pace? Tell us your tricks to train on our social networks.