6 tips to make our outings more bearable during the heatwave

Road 01/08/24 07:32 Migue A.

Despite the recommendations not to exercise during the heatwave, few are willing to give up their bike rides, here are some tips to make them more bearable.

6 ways to better cope with our bike rides during heatwaves

Whether we like it or not, the climate change situation will cause these exceptionally high temperatures to become more common and, for those of us who ride bikes, just like everyone else, we have to adapt to continue enjoying this great hobby that is cycling.

Although we cannot escape the high temperatures, there are some things we can do to prevent them from affecting us too much and potentially becoming a problem. Here are some tricks you can apply to better deal with the rigors of the heatwave.

1. Stay well hydrated

I'm sure everyone is aware that being well hydrated is essential when pedaling. However, we are not referring to the typical mantra of carrying full water bottles and drinking regularly during our rides.

Being well hydrated should be a daily task that we must maintain when we are at home or at work. Having a bottle always at hand and drinking regularly will ensure that when we go out cycling, the body starts with a greater reserve of liquid that allows it to carry out its functions and maintain the temperature adequately.

Needless to say, it is highly recommended to include a sufficient intake of salts to avoid reaching a state of overhydration that could lead to a dangerous hyponatremia.

2. Choose cooler hours

It is clear that in many cases we cannot choose the time we go out cycling, but if it is in our power, why pedal when the sun is mercilessly beating down?

A lesson learned from the pandemic, when lockdowns were starting to be relaxed in late spring 2020, was how pleasant it was to ride early in the morning even though few of us like to get up so early.

At this time of year, in the center of the peninsula, the sun rises at 6:45 in the morning. That means that at least half an hour before we already have enough light to go out cycling with a pleasant morning freshness.

In the afternoons, it is more difficult to adjust because the heat persists well past sunset, however, if we enjoy off-road paths, this time of year is perfect for mounting lights on our gravel or mountain bike and taking on a night ride with fantastic temperatures. If, as it happens these days, it coincides with a full moon, we can ride on the paths practically as if it were daytime.

3. Thermal bottles

There are few things as unpleasant as drinking warm liquid from a water bottle during a bike ride. Fortunately, there are thermal water bottle models available that maintain the functionality of conventional bottles.

A small trick you can apply to have cold liquid for most of the ride, at least until you finish the two bottles you carry, is to fill half a bottle the night before and put it in the freezer. We won't do it with the full bottle to avoid damaging it or not being able to drink until it thaws.

Before leaving, fill the remaining space with cold water and you can start drinking from the first moment and gradually the ice will thaw allowing you to consume the rest. Being a thermal bottle, we guarantee that the water and ice will last longer.

Halfway through the route, if we make the typical stop halfway through the ride, we can also ask the bar where we stopped to add some ice to face the return journey.

4. Seek the wind

Normally, cyclists tend to avoid the wind like the plague but, in extreme heat conditions, it can become an ally that keeps the heat away from our skin and promotes sweating and natural body cooling.

It is worth checking the forecast and matching the part of our route where the heat is strongest with a section where the wind blows against us. We won't progress as fast as we would like, but we will surely do it much more comfortably.

5. Specific gear

Within the collections of the various cycling clothing brands, there is also variety in terms of short gear. In recent years, few brands do not include in their catalog jerseys made of ultralight and highly breathable fabric that are ideal for these intensely hot days.

However, when choosing one of these jerseys, we must ensure that its specifications offer protection against ultraviolet rays. You won't be the first to opt for this type of garment and end up with a completely burned back and perfectly tattooed bib straps.

By the way, speaking of bib straps, how about removing them to have one less piece of clothing around our body? If you haven't tried them, one-piece suits for road use that brands have been including in their catalogs at the request of professional cyclists seeking maximum aerodynamics are extremely comfortable on these scorching days.

Furthermore, as these garments are geared towards competition, their tight fit and the lightweight fabrics they usually use make them generally very breathable.

Of course, we will prefer light colors that reflect the sunlight that shines on us as much as possible.

6. Choose the best route

We all know areas in our surroundings that are better or worse at each time of the year. In general, looking for mountain passes and mountain areas will allow us to enjoy a few degrees less. We can also look for the bank of a river, which, with the refreshing effect of the water, will make our pedaling much more enjoyable, or wooded sections that protect us from the sun.

In any case, it is important to keep track of water sources along our route so that our bottles are always full.

And you, what tricks do you use to make your summer rides more bearable? Tell us on our social networks.



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