Discover the story of "The Gravel Club" in the new episode of Pachamama
Pachamama, the series produced by Orbea and dedicated to gravel, unveils the story of "The Gravel Club" in its latest episode. Another motivating chapter that focuses on the true spirit of this sport: enjoyment.
“Seriously gravel”, the new episode of Pachamama
During the pandemic, in the heart of Berlin, "The Gravel Club" was born. A heterogeneous community of cyclists led by Sascha in which there are no quotas, no limits. Their only goal is to enjoy themselves. A different way of looking at gravel and cycling away from competition or performance.
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If you're still hungry for more, you can watch the rest of the episodes of the series here. And it seems that soon, Pachamama will have its own space with all its stories and news.