The bike as a vehicle for assistance in Valencia

Road 03/11/24 09:37 Migue A.

Thousands of volunteers have joined in the relief efforts in Valencia in recent days, but one of the problems in transporting supplies to the municipalities affected by the DANA is the impossibility of doing so by car. There are several cycling initiatives proposing the use of bikes as a means of transportation to cover long distances quickly.

Initiatives to help Valencia by bike

Among the recommendations that authorities are giving to volunteers is to avoid using cars to reach the affected areas. This is because they could create traffic jams and hinder the vehicles of security forces, so the bike has once again become one of the most effective means of transportation to reach where cars cannot.

See this post on Instagram

A post shared by Juan Dual (@dualcillo)

From the cultural center la Rambleta, they are organizing all cyclists and people who want to collaborate by contributing and distributing supplies to the affected areas.

The bike as a vehicle for assistance in Valencia

In their Instagram account, they are providing updated information on their actions and how to help. Workshops and local bike shops, such as Todobici or Chebici are also joining the initiative, offering collaboration and mechanical support for cyclists in need.

For all those who are determined to join in the relief efforts, remember that it is vital to follow the recommendations of official sources and be alert to the possible risks of rain expected in the coming days.



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La bici como vehículo de ayuda en Valencia

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A bicicleta como veículo de ajuda em Valência

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Le vélo comme moyen de transport d'assistance à Valence