Strava Report 2024: Spanish cyclists are faster than the global average and continue to prefer Orbea and the Garmin 530

Road 04/12/24 06:01 Migue A.

As is tradition, when the year comes to an end, the popular platform Strava presents its Annual Report where it interprets billions of data collected during the previous 12 months to offer some very interesting trends. Here are some of the most interesting data and figures related to cycling from the Strava 2024 Report.

Strava Report 2024: Spanish cyclists are faster than the global average and continue to prefer Orbea and the Garmin 530

Cycling in the Strava 2024 Report: average speed, sock height, most used bike brand, and the most popular GPS

Strava explains that this report is compiled by combining billions of activity data from its global community of more than 135 million people in over 190 countries, along with insights from a random global survey of over 5,000 active individuals, both Strava users and non-users. These figures, beyond attempting to support the trends they reflect, highlight the platform's global reach.

In its specific cycling section, Strava deduces that people who practice it go beyond the sport and establish it as a lifestyle where community, traditions like the coffee stop, and attention to clothing are important.

From group kilometers ridden to choosing the perfect socks, cycling in 2024 has been a reflection of how social connection, performance, and aesthetics coexist on two wheels.

Spanish cyclists are faster and boomers ride more kilometers

  • Average speed: Spanish cyclists recorded an average speed of 21.0 km/h, surpassing the global average of 19.6 km/h.
  • Commitment: In 2024, 81% of cycling goals in Spain were achieved, compared to the global 77%.
  • Looking ahead to 2025: 49% of Spanish cyclists aim to conquer a major event.
  • The boom of boomers: Spanish Boomer cyclists (born between 1946 and 1964) covered more weekly distance than Gen Z (born from the mid-90s to the late 2000s), with an average of 86 km compared to 49 km for the younger generation. Additionally, Spanish Baby Boomers pedal more than the global average, 86 km versus the global average distance of 62 km.

When we ride in a group, we go further

Cycling is a deeply communal sport, and Strava's data reflects this connection:

  • Group riding = going further: Spanish cyclists' group activities were, on average, 150% longer than individual ones, and generated a significant increase in kudos received.
  • Breaks are now a tradition: In weekend group rides, 22% of the total time was dedicated to breaks, with an average of 43 minutes in activities with "coffee" in the title.
  • Mornings on wheels: Over half of weekend cycling activities in Spain before 9 a.m. were in a group.
  • Connection and community: 61% of surveyed Spaniards stated they had made new friends through fitness groups.

Strava Report 2024: Spanish cyclists are faster than the global average and continue to prefer Orbea and the Garmin 530

Female cyclists lead the growth of this sport and Spain is a reference

  • In 2024, the percentage of Spanish female cyclists on Strava grew by 18%, consolidating Spain as a reference in cycling and surpassing the global growth of 11%.
  • 35% of women's morning activities on weekends in Spain were group rides, 20% more than men's, highlighting the role of women in building cycling communities.

Orbea and Garmin 530 repeat

  • The Garmin Edge 530 once again led as the most used device by cyclists on Strava, both globally and in Spain.
  • In Spain, Orbea continues to lead as the most used brand for road and mountain bikes, followed by Trek and Scott in these categories. In gravel, Specialized dominated as the favorite among cyclists. 

Strava Report 2024: Spanish cyclists are faster than the global average and continue to prefer Orbea and the Garmin 530

Strava Report 2024: Spanish cyclists are faster than the global average and continue to prefer Orbea and the Garmin 530
Ranking of the most used bike brands on STRAVA globally, in Spain Orbea continues to lead for another year

In cycling, socks are almost a religion

The Strava Report also dedicates a section to one of the topics that cyclists give the most importance to, clothing.

  • The generational debate continues: Gen Z prefers high or mid-calf socks (48%), while Gen X opts for invisible socks (41%).
  • Coordinated outfits: 61% of Spanish athletes consider it important for their clothing to match, with Gen Z being the most concerned about their style, with 70% paying attention to being well-coordinated.
  • The color blue is gaining ground in cyclists' wardrobes, displacing the classic black as the favorite for the upcoming year.

What do you think of these data? We look forward to reading your comments on our social media.



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Informe Strava 2024: en España se va más rápido en bici, se prefiere Orbea y el Garmin 530 sigue siendo el GPS más usado


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Informe Strava 2024: os ciclistas espanhóis estão pedalando mais rápido do que a média global e continuam preferindo a Orbea e o Garmin 530


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Rapport Strava 2024 : les cyclistes espagnols vont plus vite que la moyenne mondiale et continuent de préférer Orbea et le Garmin 530
