Martin Vidaurre has nothing broken and hopes to be at the Mont-Sainte-Anne World Cup

Mountain bike 30/09/24 09:18 Migue A.

One of the moments of the XCO World Cup in Lake Placid was protagonized by the Chilean Martín Vidaurre when he was leading the race and suffered a strong fall in the rocky area. Clearly in pain, he had to abandon the race.

Martin Vidaurre confirms that he has no fractures and hopes to be able to compete in the last XCO World Cup of the year

Martin Vidaurre showed himself to be very competitive in Lake Placid and we could see him at the front and fighting for the lead during the first laps. But a strong fall in the rock garden made him abandon and by his gestures of pain we all feared that the season was over for him. After the appropriate check-ups, Vidaurre himself has confirmed that he has no fractures and hopes to recover for the last XCO World Cup of the year in Mont-Sainte-Anne, Canada, in 5 days.

He got up very quickly and was able to return to the race soon, but the fall was very hard and the pain forced him to retire

"A good fall today in the XCO, I was feeling very good but I came in too strong to the rock garden.
I didn't break anything but I am in a lot of pain, let's see if we can show the level next week in Canada."



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Martin Vidaurre no tiene nada roto y espera estar en la Copa del Mundo de Mont-Sainte-Anne


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Martin Vidaurre não tem nada quebrado e espera estar na Copa do Mundo de Mont-Sainte-Anne


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Martin Vidaurre n'a rien de cassé et espère être à la Coupe du Monde de Mont-Sainte-Anne
