How to know if you can go out for a ride when you feel sick

Training 31/12/24 07:00 Migue A.

To go out or not to go out, that is the question that arises for many cyclists who have a structured training plan during these winter days when respiratory illnesses and, of course, the excesses of these holidays can make us not feel in the best conditions to carry out the scheduled training for that day.

How to know if you can go out for a ride when you feel sick

When is it better to rest than to train

When someone follows a structured training plan to prepare for their cycling goals of the year, doubts often arise on those days when we are not feeling well and yet we have a session scheduled. The feeling of guilt for skipping the training clashes with sensations that may prevent us from meeting the goals set for that session.

The main reason for finding ourselves in this situation during these dates is usually respiratory illnesses that eventually affect us. However, there is a wide range here. It is not the same to have a slight cold that only causes nasal congestion or a bit of cough, which is defined as upper respiratory tract infection; than to have a flu-like process where fever and muscle weakness leave us totally debilitated.

How to know if you can go out for a ride when you feel sick

When resolving doubts about whether to train or not, having or having had a fever is usually the data we need to look at to decide whether to train or rest. And even if we do not have a fever, we also have to consider what training we have to face that day when making the decision. An aerobic ride probably won't be a problem if we have a slight cold, but if we have intense intervals scheduled, it is very likely that not only will we not be able to complete the work as planned but we may end up getting sicker by further weakening the body with intense effort.

This decision-making process can also be applied to those days when we feel tired and have bad sensations due to previous training sessions. In that situation, the most reasonable thing is to go out and give it a try. Often those bad sensations dissipate after warming up. However, if we see that after half an hour or so they persist, the most reasonable thing is to listen to our body and abort the planned work, turning the outing into an active rest.

How to know if you can go out for a ride when you feel sick

Another different case during these dates is having to train after the excesses of a night of celebration. We must be clear that the day after staying up late and consuming alcohol is not the best time for intense training, but nothing prevents us from going for a ride. In this case, discomfort, the dreaded hangover, is usually due to lack of sleep and dehydration caused by alcohol, so we should focus on drinking constantly during our ride. In fact, a bike ride is often one of the best remedies for dealing with hangovers.

In any case, we must not forget the maxim of listening to our body, and over time, we learn from experience to discern when we should go out or when it is better to stay at home.



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