The cyclists who leave early have more confidence in themselves

Training 05/01/24 11:09 Migue A.

The early bird gets the worm, says the proverb, a statement that seems to be corroborated by a recent study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology that shows that exercising before going to work improves the efficiency and concentration of employees throughout their workday.

The cyclists who leave early have more confidence in themselves

Start the day on the bike so that everything goes smoothly

A curious study recently published in which the researchers set out to check the impact of morning exercise on the rest of the workday under the hypothesis of demonstrating whether physical activity before work improved the perception of the challenges and obstacles we encounter throughout the day, which would result in a greater commitment to work and less mental fatigue.

The cyclists who leave early have more confidence in themselves

Based on a sample of 300 individuals from the United Kingdom, where the study was conducted, who exercised at least one day a week before going to work. A series of surveys and questionnaires were conducted in addition to monitoring their work commitment, emotional exhaustion as well as other work-related problems such as anxiety.

While exercise is beneficial no matter when it is done, the results of the study indicated that when people exercise before going to work, they face their work tasks with more energy, perceiving them as a challenge and not as a burden. They also have a more enthusiastic attitude and greater confidence. This also results in feeling less exhausted at the end of the day.

The cyclists who leave early have more confidence in themselves

It may be hard to have to get up even earlier to go out on the bike when it is still dark, but it might be a good reason to use our bike to get to our workplace which, for sure, will also save us the stress of the morning traffic jam.



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Los ciclistas que salen temprano tienen más confianza en ellos mismos

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Les cyclistes qui partent tôt ont plus confiance en eux-mêmes

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Os ciclistas que saem cedo têm mais confiança em si mesmos