Beet juice: boost your performance quickly and naturally
Beetroot can become a good ally for those who practice any endurance sport. This sweet root is sold throughout the year and is interesting for several reasons: it improves our energy efficiency and thanks to the nitric oxide it generates, it increases the capacity for blood vessel dilation.
Beetroot, uncovering the perfect ally
A good diet is -as in all sports- fundamental in cycling, since behind good physical performance there is always a proper diet. The body is a machine that will function better or worse depending on the nutrients we provide it. Nutritional supplements generate distrust in many people, who prefer to resort to traditional foods.
Unlike other vegetables, beetroot is not very present on many of our tables. However, ancient civilizations already ate its leaves and from the Romans onwards, the root began to be consumed. An article published by the RFEC details the benefits it has for athletes.

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Beetroot is a good ally because it increases our nitric oxide -a molecule that plays a key role in the dilation of blood vessels that occurs during exercise, when muscles demand more oxygen- and makes us more energy efficient by stimulating mitochondria, as the article explains.
The RFCE points out that higher levels of nitric oxide in the blood lead to greater blood vessel dilation capacity; and with greater stimulation of mitochondria, we will create the same energy but reducing oxygen consumption.
Beetroot has the formula, but what does it provide us to generate nitric oxide? The article indicates that we owe it to the high content of nitrates in this vegetable, which when ingested increase our nitrites, which will end up producing nitric oxide.
Why is nitric oxide important?
Beyond what we have seen, it is a molecule that also has numerous benefits for the general population. The RFEC cites properties as necessary as regulating the activity of the immune system, arteries, lungs, brain, liver, uterus, and pancreas.
They also point out that the increase in nitric oxide "is effective for athletes in periods of high load or competition, taking 400 mg of nitrates before exercise for periods of 3 to 7 consecutive days."
Finally, the article explains that this amount is achieved by ingesting a juice of about 0.6 liters, although they warn that it may cause some gastric problems in some cases.
A complete vegetable
Regarding its nutritional composition, beetroot is made up of 89.2% water and will provide us -per 100 grams- 37 kilocalories, 1.3 grams of proteins, 6.7 grams of carbohydrates, and 3.1 grams of fiber. It stands out for its content of fiber, potassium, sugars, folates, and vitamin C.
In addition to what has been mentioned above, beetroot has a laxative effect, helps prevent constipation and also contains antioxidants. It can be consumed raw -where we will make better use of its vitamins- or cooked.
It is a root rich in oxalic acid, so its consumption is recommended to be restricted to those who are prone to forming oxalate stones in the kidney.
However, in all cases, it is best to visit a specialist, who will give us an accurate indication of what guidelines we should follow based on the personalized study of our case.