How to survive Christmas without paying for it on the scales

Training 24/12/22 12:00 Migue A.

During the year we work hard to design a routine that includes all the daily obligations, leaves us time to train and with which we can set up a diet suited to our needs. But at Christmas we are at the mercy of certain events in which we can do little. Although all is not lost, let's see how to play our cards right so as not to start 2023 with too much extra weight.

How to survive Christmas without paying for it on the scales

Tips to keep in shape at Christmas

The last days of the year often become a dangerous time for cyclists. Once the season is over, the first objectives are far away and during the preseason we can relax more than we should. To make matters worse, Christmas is full of excesses.

Many amateur cyclists enter a state where they lose interest in cycling and become too relaxed, when we react the main thing is to activate the survival mode and try not to lose fitness by all means. If you are at this point it is not time to think about losing weight at all costs or improve your level in a short time. Don't get overwhelmed, enjoy yourself and apply simple changes that will allow you to maintain your shape without suffering.

1. Combining reunions and sports

More and more managers are choosing bike rides for their meetings, so you are not going to be less. If you have the opportunity, don't hesitate to organize bike rides for meetings with friends or family. Obviously it won't always be possible, but you'll be surprised how many people who don't do sport think it's a great idea to go for a leisurely bike ride instead of meeting in a bar.

How to survive Christmas without paying for it on the scales

It won't count as an intense workout but think of the caloric intake you are saving.

2. Set yourself a schedule and train intervals

During this type of day the agenda is at the mercy of others, but still try to find an early morning or late morning slot to dedicate to training. With little time it is best to do intensity workouts, although you will have to adapt them to your current fitness level.

mantener forma ciclismo

3. Start with a soup

Now we enter the realm of food. When family or friends gather around a table it is usually to share copious meals of various dishes and all very appetizing. A good way to curb your most primitive appetite is to start by having some hot soup or cream of vegetables, this will satiate your hunger and avoid a higher calorie intake.

sopa navidad ciclismo

4. Choose what you won't eat

In this type of Christmas meals we should enjoy everything we crave the rest of the year but we have to deprive ourselves, even so we can put certain red lines in hypercaloric foods that are not our favorites or those with high content of empty calories.

salsas prohibidas ciclismo

When sitting at the table it is a good idea to visualize everything we are going to eat and decide from the beginning which foods we will not try.

5. Be rigorous with the foods you can control

During one of these lunches or dinners we have to stick to what we are served at the table, so it is very important to be rigorous with the rest of the meals of the day. Reduce your breakfast to a little fruit and lunch or dinner that day you can leave it in a yogurt or herbal tea.

How to survive Christmas without paying for it on the scales

Remember that these tips are for keeping in shape while still having fun, so don't get overwhelmed, there will be time to tune up on the bike.



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