The first bike with ChatGPT

eBike 04/07/23 11:00 Migue A.

Urtopia has announced that it will integrate ChatGPT into its bicycles. The German manufacturer thus becomes the first brand to embrace artificial intelligence, although it is not yet known whether it will include it in all its models or only in some of them. The functions, limited at the moment, could evolve over time.

The first bike with ChatGPT

Urtopia partners with ChatGPT to provide a different cycling experience

ChatGPT has burst into the daily lives of many people. This artificial intelligence revolutionized the industry when its amazing capabilities became apparent. Since then, society has been divided between those who see it as a threat to their jobs and those who look to it as the greatest ally they could ever have.

Artificial intelligence has recently reached many markets. And now it has landed in cycling with Urtopia.

La compañía alemana la define como "la bicicleta con mente". Así, ChatGPT se integrará en Urtopia a través de la pantalla del manillar, que contará con un conversor de texto a voz para evitar la imposible tarea de teclear mientras se pedalea.

The German company defines it as "the bicycle with a mind". Thus, ChatGPT will be integrated into Urtopia through the handlebar display, which will have a text-to-speech converter to avoid the impossible task of typing while pedaling.

For the moment, this integration will offer limited resources, as can be seen in the promotional video published by Urtopia itself, it will offer navigation assistance; it will also have some flexibility when planning a route based on the indications we give it.

Beyond this, it will also have the function of monitoring our heart rate and thus varying the level of assistance.

Urtopia has not disclosed whether it will integrate ChatGPT in all its models or if it will only be possible to use it in some of them. Something that adds to the little information that has transcended this news for the moment.

The first bike with ChatGPT

A future full of questions

The horizon of artificial intelligences is difficult to predict and at this point it is still unclear how far they can go in the world of bikes. Urtopia launched the announcement at Eurobike 2023 —along with other innovations— and becomes the first bike manufacturer to go for it.

At the moment, this is what we can achieve with today's artificial intelligence. What will we be able to achieve when it is at a more advanced stage of development? That's the million-dollar question, and for now no one has the answer.

Fantasy invites us to imagine that in the near future it may be able to design optimal racing strategies that take into account our most detailed data, or to plan training sessions to achieve an ideal preparation for our goals.

As is usually the case with any change, the debate is open between those who welcome what they consider an advance and those who find it a nonsense that detracts from the true spirit of the sport. The range of possibilities is still unknown and we may soon have more news.



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La primera bicicleta con ChatGPT